Who else will love me?
- christliche mp3 Lieder -

Who else will love me?

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T. u. M.: Samuel Dembi Samba
Ramona Gerwig


You know my ways
Don’t always give you praise.
You’ve seen me fail –
In spite of everything you stay.
Lord you embrace
My life with endless grace.
There is no trace
That you won’t love me every day.


It’s undeserved perfect love.
Who else will love me like you do, Lord?
I’m in awe of you.
Who else can heal me like you do, Lord?
I’m in awe of you and what you do.


Unimaginably mightful, your love can not be shaken.
Immeasurably faithful, we’ll never be forsaken.
Unimaginably mightful, your love can not be shaken.
Immeasurably faithful, you are faithful,
You are faithful, you are faithful –

Chorus 2:

Who else shall we shout to if not you, Lord?
We’re in awe of you.
Who else shall we praise, Lord, if not you, our God?
We’re in awe of you.
Who else shall we shout to if not you, Lord?
We’re in awe of you.
Who else shall we praise, Lord, if not you, gracious God?
We’re in awe of you and what you do.

Samuel Dembi Samba

Übersicht Lieder: christliche Lieder
Startseite: www.christliche-autoren.de

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